Monday, June 27, 2011

To Escape % Character in SAS PROC SQL

Suppose you want to run a query to find all records containing the pattern "REQUIRED" in a certain column, the SQL where clause will look something as follows:
where thetextfield like "%REQUIRED%"
But if you use it inside SAS, SAS will interpret the %REQUIRED as a macro and throw an error.  Here is how you can escape the % character:
%let pattern=%nrstr(%%)REQUIRED%str(%%);
proc sql;
create table new_dataset as
select * from dataset
where thetextfield like "&pattern.";
You can also put the code inside a macro, and have the pattern "REQUIRED", etc as a parameter to be passed into the macro.
%macro get_records_with_pattern(pattern);
    %let patternlike=%nrstr(%%)&pattern.%str(%%);
    proc sql;
    create table new_dataset as
    select * from dataset
    where thetextfield like "&patternlike.";
%mend get_records_with_pattern;
Now you can call the macro with the parameter REQUIRED and many more.