Monday, April 20, 2009

SQL Database Point-In-Time Restore of Transaction Log Backup

A Teaching Assistant (TA) deleted all the grades in an assignment in our online learning management system, eLearning (powered by Blackboard Learning System CE). What happened was a series of actions that leaded to this. Here is what was described to me (I'm yet to be able to successfully simulate it):
The TA used the grade book tool to enter the grades of all students in a particular assignment (instead of using the assignment tool). He then changed the due date of that assignment to a later date. The system gave him a warning message, but he simply went ahead to proceed. He subsequently found that all the grades he entered for that assignment were gone.
Now I had to find a way to retrieve the grades from our old backups. But the challenge was he did not remember when (approximate date and time) he entered the grades, and when he modified the assignment properties which caused all the grades to be cleared.

I parsed our web server logs (using Cygwin's gawk) looking for all his POST requests with grade book and other strings in the URL. Yes! I saw the log entires dated April 14 around midnight, with the last update at 0:56am.

Therefore, I restored our elearning database backups (onto a test instance) to the April 14 0:57am state. Here is the SQL script.
restore database webctdatabase from DISK='D:\backupfolder\webctdatabase_backup_200904120005.bak' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE

restore database webctdatabase from DISK='D:\backupfolder\webctdatabase_backup_200904140005.dif' WITH NORECOVERY

restore log webctdatabase from DISK='D:\backupfolder\webctdatabase_backup_200904140250.trn' WITH RECOVERY, STOPAT = 'Apr 14, 2009 00:57:00 AM'

restore database webctdatabase$PF from DISK='D:\backupfolder\webctdatabase$PF_backup_200904120005.bak' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE

restore database webctdatabase$PF from DISK='D:\backupfolder\webctdatabase$PF_backup_200904140005.dif' WITH NORECOVERY

restore log webctdatabase$PF from DISK='D:\backupfolder\webctdatabase$PF_backup_200904140250.trn' WITH RECOVERY, STOPAT = 'Apr 14, 2009 00:57:00 AM'
A little background info: We ran eLearning full database backup once a week (Sunday), a differential backup nightly (Monday to Saturday), and transaction log backups throughout the day. Therefore, when restoring from backup, I needed to restore the full database backup (as of April 12 Sunday), the last differential backup (as of April 14 Tuesday), and the transaction log backup to the specific point-in-time.

After the restore was completed, I also had to execute the following SQL commands to set the webct and webct$PF users' SID on the test instance properly.
Use webctdatabase
sp_change_users_login 'report'

Use webctdatabase
sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'webct', 'webct'

Use webctdatabase
sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'webct$PF', 'webct$PF'

Use webctdatabase$PF
sp_change_users_login 'report'

Use webctdatabase$PF
sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'webct', 'webct'

Use webctdatabase$PF
sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'webct$PF', 'webct$PF'
Then I restarted the webct service on the frontend node of the test instance to bring up the application. I logoned to it and could see all the student grades in that section/assignment. We exported them for the TA.

Saved by the transaction log backups.